Why first aid signage is a necessity for your business If you’re a business owner, you’ll no doubt be aware that there are plenty of regulations regarding which signs are vital on your business premises. If you’re only a small business, some of these health & safety signs may seem irrelevant – do you really need a first aid sign or a no smoking sign, for example, if there are only two of you on the premises?
Stress can actually shrink your brain In any business environment – from corporate to retail – stress is the biggest threat to satisfactory health and safety provision. Chronic stress is not merely a pesky yet more or less benign response to a healthy workload; it is a persistent disorder that not only impairs a worker’s productivity and performance, but their perception as well.
The hidden dangers in car parks It’s not just fast-moving traffic that you have to watch out for when it comes to health and safety; even slow-moving and stationary vehicles in car parks come with plenty of risks attached. A car park is a surprisingly dangerous place with plenty of potential hazards, such as these…
How to avoid injury when lifting Unfortunately, no matter how many instructions are given in training or afterward, lifting injuries are still commonplace in warehouses and workplaces up and down the country. Incorrect lifting can seriously damage the neck and back, and if staff bite off more than they can chew, valuable stock can also be broken or put at risk.
Safety measures for businesses using forklift trucks Safety is paramount when operating a forklift, and while there are numerous health and safety regulations in place to ensure proper and secure use of machinery, there are plenty of ways you can make sure you’re safe around the workplace. Here are some important things to remember every time you use a forklift. You should check these every time you use a forklift, first starting with your personal equipment, before the forklift itself, the route, the load, and additional steps when completing your shift. y
Is worker safety the responsibility of the business owner or the worker? Safety at work should be a priority for any business, particularly in high risk environments such as building sites or warehouses, but who is ultimately responsible for wellbeing?
Help! I need to do a risk assessment! A risk assessment is a process in which you thoroughly examine any factors in the workplace that could cause harm to your employees. Knowing how to complete a risk assessment is essential to managing health and safety in the workplace. If you are an employer you are required by law to complete a risk assessment of your premises and this must be written down if you have more than five employees.
The environmentally responsibility of your business No matter how small or large your organisation, all businesses have a responsibility to manage their impact on the environment. For some businesses, this could be as basic as ensuring your paper recycling bin has clear signage. For others it could be ensuring that environmental hazards such as chemical spillages are carefully managed. A good environmental policy can support your business’ corporate social responsibility as well as reducing costs and ensuring the good health and safety of your workforce.
Prepare your outdoor signs for the cold weather Depending on whereabouts your business is based, you may already have experienced some of the winter weather that has swept across parts of the country. While many businesses will have taken precautions to protect themselves from the wintry weather – precautions such as gritting walkways, protecting stock and others – have you stopped to think how the weather will affect your mandatory signs and other signage?
Why your employees need their eyes testing Isaac Newton was a physicist who thought that, by staring up at the sun, he could better understand how the universe worked. Fortunately, he was not hired by any organisation to undertake such damaging research: this sun-staring routine was his decision entirely. However, research suggests that employers and organisations are regularly subjecting their employees to as much daily eyestrain as poor old Newton.