Assembly Point Arrow Right Sign

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Shop today for this Assembly Point Arrow Right Sign, part of the extensive construction site signs range of health and safety signage for UK construction and building sites.

In an emergency evacuation, the need for clearly identifiable escape route and an emergency assembly point sign critical to safety. This safe condition, muster point sign conforms with EN ISO 7010 to show the location to visitors and staff on site of a designated safe place.

Founded in 2014, The Sign Shed has rapidly become one of the UK's leading online sign providers with a 5 Star Rating for products and services. We are experts in safety signage, banners and personalised signage, and our experienced, down-to-earth customer-focused team have a wealth of industry knowledge. Shop online or collect in-store from the industry-leading innovators in recycled material signage, British-made, in our HQ in the heart of Yorkshire.

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