Be a stranger when putting up signs Has this ever happened to you? You are driving to a place you have never visited before, and are following the road signs. At the first roundabout, your destination is clearly signed, yet when you reach the next, it appears to have been removed from the face of the earth. Guesswork driving isn’t the most enjoyable game to play!
Is smoking banned in the workplace? Were you aware that smoking in the workplace can result in a worker being fined up to £200 pounds (1) and businesses can face a charge of up to £2500 pounds? However, fines are not the only reason why smoking prohibition signs are mandatory within many environments. Should a company be working with hazardous chemicals or flammable liquids, the dangers become obvious. So, the regulations in regards to workplace smoking have change dramatically.
Smoking breaks at work - the UK law I recently came across a news article that stated that Nottingham Council are considering implementing a staff smoking break ban. This ban is set to affect thousands of employees as no smoking signs invade what were previously approved smoking zones. The new smoking breaks policy is to include e-cigarettes and will also prevent staff in uniform smoking on their journey to and from the workplace.
What is the UK law on smoking in a car? Did you know that the smoking laws in England changed again in 2015? From the 1st of October 2015 it is illegal to smoke in cars, and other vehicles, carrying children under the age of 18. The purpose of this new law is to protect children from the harm of second-hand smoke.
Increase your productivity with safety signs Many people think that health and safety is just red tape put in place to stop businesses being productive and making money – but this is the opposite of the truth. Affixing health and safety signs around your workplace can have a significant and positive impact on the productivity of your employees, and therefore your business as a whole. Here are three reasons as to how safety signs can help boost productivity:
No water safety signs could kill your business Safety signs play an important role in protecting a business’s employees and customers. But for those of us operating within an environment around water, the use of health and safety signs couldn’t be more important. Yet astonishingly, many businesses still choose to operate without these mandatory signs; given the risks involved with water, this could have serious ramifications for any business!
No smoking signs: don’t let your business go up in flames Since July 2007, smoking has been prohibited in public areas and the regulations have required businesses to implement very specific signage in order to comply with the new laws. Failure to display the correct signage can result in a maximum fine of £1000, so it’s crucial that you learn about the important regulations.
Got CCTV - do you need a sign - the law Faced with the threat of criminal activity such as burglary and vandalism, increasing numbers of property owners and businesses are installing CCTV systems to provide a constant watchful eye over their homes or premises. CCTV can act as a deterrent, warning would-be criminals that their actions will be monitored and recorded, and can provide the police with vital evidence to assist in the arrest and prosecution of offenders. However, it is worth knowing that anyone who installs CCTV may have legal responsibilities to display warning signs that are easily seen.
Slippery When Wet Customer Hazards Highly visible ‘Caution: Wet Floor’ signs are frequently seen in public areas such as shops, schools and local authority buildings, even during the daytime when customer footfall is high. In an ideal world, businesses would delay cleaning until after working hours in order to ensure that members of the public are not required to walk over potentially slippery floors but this is not always possible.
Get your signs professionally translated If you type ‘mistranslated signs’ into your search engine, you will discover a wealth of – often amusing – examples of safety signs, street signs and other types of signage from around the world that have mistranslated information. Things like instructions and warnings have been rendered into English so poorly that their original meaning is lost.