Social Distancing Signs
Do you need to display Social Distancing Signs?
Yes, you need to display social distancing signs if there is a risk of transmission of a contagious disease, such as COVID-19. The specific signs that you need to display will vary depending on the specific circumstances. However, some common social distancing signs include:
- 6 feet apart: This sign indicates that people should stay at least 6 feet apart from each other. The sign may have a symbol of two people with a line between them.
- Face coverings required: This sign indicates that people are required to wear face coverings in the area. The sign may have a symbol of a face with a mask.
- No touching: This sign indicates that people should not touch each other in the area. The sign may have a symbol of two hands with a line between them.
- Wash your hands: This sign indicates that people should wash their hands frequently in the area. The sign may have a symbol of a hand washing.
- Stay home if you are sick: This sign indicates that people should stay home if they are sick. The sign may have a symbol of a person with a thermometer.
You should also display signs that indicate the location of hand washing stations and other sanitary facilities.
The signs should be clearly visible and easy to understand. They should also be placed in a prominent location where they are likely to be seen by people who need to see them.
By displaying social distancing signs, you can help to ensure that people are aware of the need to social distance and take the necessary precautions to stay safe.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK recommends that you display social distancing signs in the following areas:
- Entrances and exits
- High traffic areas
- Areas where people gather, such as waiting areas and queues
- Areas where people may need to stand close together, such as checkouts and tills
- Areas where people may need to touch surfaces, such as door handles and handrails
You should also consider displaying social distancing signs in other areas where it is appropriate, such as in your workplace, school, or public transport.
If you are unsure whether or not you need to display social distancing signs, you should consult with a qualified safety professional.
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